How to Begin a Home Remodel: The Ultimate Guide

Do you find yourself bored of your current home or uninspired by the lackluster appearance of your interior? When the option of moving is off the table, you can still make changes to help your house feel new and fresh. 

Renovating a house is a great way to make your home more functional, raise the resell value, and update the interior. Ensuring your home is comfortable will make your life easier and more relaxed, as your house will be up to date.

If you’re not sure how to begin a home remodel, be sure to continue reading to help you make your new project as smooth as possible.

List Out What You Want to Do

Before you can start ripping down walls and hammering away, you’ll want to sit down and think about the things you want to be done. 

When doing this, it’s crucial to be specific. While “renovate kitchen” or “upgrade bathroom” gives you an idea of what you want to accomplish, you’ll need to narrow it down. 

What specifically do you need to accomplish? If you want to add more functional appliances, write that down. However, if you want new flooring and to change the layout of your bathroom, you’ll need to know that first.

An easy way to make lists is by thinking about what you need and what would be nice to have but non-essential. You can also have a list of extras to include if you find yourself with any leftover money.

Determine Your Budget

Once you’ve decided what you need versus what you want, you’ll need to sit down and determine a budget. This is one of the most crucial steps to plan as it can help reduce stress down the line.

In order to start budgeting, you’ll need to consider the cost of labor, materials, appliances, and other fixtures that your remodel can include.

When it comes to labor costs, you’ll want to request different estimates from various companies. Though there are other factors to consider before you make a choice, you will need to understand what they charge based on your home.

If you find that you’re well over budget, you can scale down on certain things like materials and appliances. Though you may want stainless steel kitchen machine, it can run you extra. 

DIY What You Can

Though some aspects, like plumbing or building, will require expert help, there are certain aspects of your remodel you may be able to tackle on your own.

Painting, for example, is something that most people can swing on their own. Whether you want to change up the color of your bathroom or add a touch of paint to your baseboards, painting is an easy DIY project to save you money.

Another easy fix you can do on your own is to change the hardware around your home to help elevate the rooms in your home. This includes doorknobs, cabinet handles, and faucets.

Find the Best Contractors

Once you’ve set a budget and decided what you can DIY around your home, you’ll need to hire companies to come and transform your home. 

This includes finding a general contractor, plumber, electrician, and other specialists like a window installation company. 

While you’ve requested quotes from companies, you’ll need to finalize which you’ll go with. While price plays a significant role in determining which you’ll hire, you should also look into online reviews, experience, and previous work.

Prepare Your Home

Once you have everything planned out, you’ll need to prepare your home, and yourself, for the work that’s going to be done.

This step includes removing all items from the room that will be undergoing renovation if going one room at a time or only remodeling specific areas of your home. 

However, for a whole home remodel, you’ll need to come up with a plan. Not only will you need to audit your home for insurance purposes, but you’ll also need to find another place to sleep while the renovation is occurring.

If you’re moving a lot of items out of your home, investing in a storage container can help keep your belongings safe from damage. You’ll also need to decide what you need to get through the whole home remodel process.

Go With the Flow

Let’s be honest; remodeling a house can be stressful. Between the fear that something could go wrong to getting kicked out of your home for a while, and spending a ton of money, renovations are intimidating.

While proper planning and thinking ahead can help make the remodel easier in the long run, it’s always best to stay realistic. Going in with the assumption everything will go smoothly and according to schedule is naive.

Assuming a realistic approach is a great way to stay calm, should things go awry. When you anticipate that plans will go wrong, it can cause anxiety, while assuming the project will go perfectly can lead to stress and dismay.

Finding a balanced approach and being open to a fluctuating schedule can help make home renovations easier and more manageable. If you find yourself getting anxious, taking steps to reduce stress can help you feel better.

How to Begin a Home Remodel: Your Simple Guide

Remember, when it comes to your home, you shouldn’t settle for anything less than what makes you happy and excited to live in your house. After all, your home is an investment, so you’ll want to treat it well. 

By keeping these home remodel tips and tricks in mind, you can make the entire process more effortless.  

If you found this guide on how to begin a home remodel process informative, you’ll want to visit the rest of our website. There, you’ll find more great home improvement tips and tricks.