Industrial Property Lease: What to Know
Businesses need to do so much more just to expand and grow it over the years. One might start a business in a city along with a factory or warehouse or both. As the business grows, the business might be able to get orders from other cities and even countries as well. Going national or international with a business is nothing less than an achievement. Along with this growth comes some perks. One of the main goals is to deliver all the products to the concerned client or customer at the right time.
Achieving this very goal is something that every business looks forward to as failing will be a stain on its reputation. To achieve this goal on the long run a business might need to have a factory or warehouse in new places as well. This helps in ensuring reducing the distance or gaining more advantage of transportation, production and delivery. A business that is considering leasing a Thailand industrial property for rent (ให้เช่าโรงงาน นิคมอุตสาหกรรม, term in Thai) needs to know and take care of a few things to avoid any future issues.
Understanding the area
Understanding the area does not only mean looking for transportation options, roads, bridges, supply of labor and employees but also the commercial rules and regulations. The area might have a different set of taxes which might just bring up the expenses in a huge way. Forgetting to look for this thing will end up in the business paying more as tax and getting less for a profit. Transportation is necessary as you will be delivering products or receiving materials from different parts of the city, country or even world. Spending a huge amount just on transportation will make the whole operation a bit costly. It also won’t let you be able to be competing with other companies in offering customers products at a better price. Analyzing all these things will ultimately help to find the place and make proper strategies for opening a new factory and warehouse.
The building owner or the landlord
It is really something to worry about. When leasing a property, it is kind of a business partnership. That is why it is necessary to know who these people are and what their financial situation are. If the property is mortgaged and the landlord fails to make timely payments, the business might get evicted as a legal procedure. Even your timely payments cannot save you from this. That is why having an idea of the property and the payments of the landlord help to decide if the property will be a fit for your business or not.
Zoning laws
Your landlord might be lending the property for certain type of operation like a restaurant or a factory. But the laws of the land might actually not allow you to set up these facilities in these areas. It is the sole responsibility of the business to find about the zoning laws in details. Failing to do so might result in wasted money on an unsuccessful venture.