5 Simple Tips for Effective Roof Maintenance

The roof of your home plays an enormously vital part in keeping your family, possessions, and home itself safe. It’s the barrier that protects all of the interiors from the exterior elements. As a homeowner, making the appropriate steps to maintain and invest in regular roof care is a must, all year long. It’s best to leave the complicated roofing repairs to the professionals, however, it’s also important to take care of some basic roof maintenance tasks to keep your home safe. Here are 5 tips for effective roof maintenance:

1. Assess Your Roof Regularly

The best way to maintain your roof’s functionality is to keep a close eye on it. During all four seasons, paying attention to the exterior elements outside your home will help catch and prevent any potential problems. For example, if there’s been a recent storm or strong winds in your area when it is safe to do so, check your roof to ensure everything looks the same.

2. Watch Overhanging Trees

The overall condition of your roof can be easily damaged by any overhanging branches. If the branches are brushing against your roof in the wind it may be causing a bit of wear and tear to the roofing panels. Falling branches can easily leave holes in the roof or break shingles, not to mention large branches could also be quite dangerous and hazardous in rough weather. Trimming the trees around your roofline will keep your home and your roof safe. You can do this job yourself relatively cheaply if you invest in a cheap chainsaw. Often, you can get away with a smaller chainsaw to get rid of branches without having to buy a heavy-duty tool. The best value chainsaw models will also allow you to trim other woody plants and bushes around the house. So you can get more than just a single use out of the chainsaw.

3. Gutter Cleaning

Keeping your gutters clean of excess debris, leaves and dirt will ensure they work properly and efficiently. It’s important to clean gutters as it will prevent water from pooling in places and potentially causing leaks and rotting during wet weather.

4. Stay off the Roof

Roof maintenance is something every house owner should make an effort with. But when it comes to actually how to do it, it’s important to remember basic safety. Walking around on a roof is incredibly dangerous and not worth the risk. While DIY roof-cleaning might seem easy enough, walking and being on the actual roof is definitely not something you should be doing. Not to mention it has the potential to cause damage to the roof itself. There are ways to maintain and take care of your roof while staying off of it.

5. Reach Out to the Experts

The number one way to keep your roof maintained is to turn to the roofing experts for advice and roof work. Vertec Roofing is a Sydney based roofing company who recommend calling a professional when it comes to any roofing repairs, general maintenance, and cleanups. Roofing contractors have the correct equipment, safety measures, experience and knowledge to handle your roofing needs. At the end of the day, keeping your home safe should be the number one priority and with these smaller tips and the help of a professional, your roof should be doing just that.